Rational-Emtional Agent

The research on believable agents centers around developing interactive agents that create the illusion of human-like behavior for users. Application domains include areas such as human-computer interaction, interactive entertainment, and education. Achieving believability involves designing agents that convincingly express emotions through their behavior and are equipped with distinct personalities. This has significant implications for the agent’s internal deliberation model, requiring a deep understanding of emotions and how they are outwardly expressed. In contexts where social behavior is crucial, agents must also understand norms and values and how these can be demonstrated. Rationality, in this case, refers to acting appropriately based on situational demands. This topic has been widely researched, yielding significant advancements. The goal is to facilitate more natural and believable interactions between humans and machines, which is a key consideration in agent design. Combining emotions, rationality, and personality results in more credible agents. Such agents can take on a variety of roles, such as museum guides, assistant professors, or stage actors, and they must appear “credible” to those interacting with them. A well-designed agent makes decisions based on its perceptions, as well as its rational and emotional states. Since they simulate human rationality, these agents must learn from experience, exhibit personality, and adapt over time. In agents of this type, rationality, emotions, personality, and behavior are deeply interconnected, influencing one another in complex ways. This research delves into the relationships between these various components, building upon the findings of previous studies.

This erserach can be used to improve interaction between humans and machines, particularly in areas that do not focus solely on verbal communication. In such cases, visual media serve as the primary means of interaction between humans and robots.

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  • Tehran IA University

  • 2006-09-01

The research on believable agents aims to develop interactive agents that create the impression of human-like behavior for users.